Founder and President
The Charles-Valentin Alkan Society of Vienna
Institute for Polyphonic Piano Playing and Sound Aesthetics, 2013 – Present
-Solo performances at renowned venues and international music festivals:
Musikverein Vienna, Konzerthaus Vienna, Staatsoper Vienna, Mozarteum Salzburg, Lisztfestival Raiding, Sougakudo Concert Hall Tokyo, Carnegie Hall New York. Concert tours in Italy, Austria, Germany, North America and Japan.Performances with international chamber music ensembles and orchestras:
Küchl-Quartet (Members of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra), Wind Ensemble of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Bruckner Orchestra Linz, Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg
–Sougakudo Concert Hall Tokyo – Beethoven The Last Big Five Piano Sonatas
Op.101, Op.106, Op.109, Op.110. Op.111 in one single evening
February 16, 2011
–Carnegie Hall New York – Beethoven The Last Big Five Piano Sonatas
Op.101, Op.106 Hammerklavier, Op.109, Op.110, Op.111 performed in one single evening as the only living artist.
Event presented at Zankel Hall / Carnegie Hall in cooperation with The Breast Cancer Research Foundation founded by Evelyn H.Lauder, BCRF
March 15, 2009
–Release Album Mirrors Triple-CD, Live-Recording
RPPR, Roberta Pili Piano Records®
Recording label founded 2007
- Masterclasses, Mentoring, Austria, Italy 2014-2019
Cooperation with international piano schools, international academies (Mozarteum University Salzburg)
Masterclasses and introductory seminar courses
“Polyphonic and ultra-polyphonic piano playing; aesthetic of the piano sound; symphonic character and piano technique; the art of making the sound at the piano.”
–Workshops, Masterclasses, Mentoring, Vienna, 2012-2013
Lectures, individual coaching at Vienna Piano Gallery
Polyphony: how to learn voicing and layering of musical phrases by piano works in the Romanticism
Technical skills for an effective piano practicing
–Workshops, Masterclasses, Japan, 2011
Lectures, individual coaching at Tokyo Kangeikan Culture Center, Private Piano Institution at Kyoto, Kobe, Todoriko Piano Studio Nishinomiya
Polyphony – Introducing the art of vocing by piano playing
The conscious use of the body by piano playing
How the motion aspects of playing affect the production of a good piano sound
–Dafydd Llywelyn Piano Studio, Munich, 2005-2010
Teaching Assistant
Intensive coaching in polyphonic and ultra-polyphonic piano playing
–Conservatory of Music, Cagliari, Bari, Italy
Individual Coaching, Masterclasses, Teaching Assistant
–Masterclasses, Individual Coaching, USA, Canada, 2000-2002
Wyatt Piano Studio, Annapolis, Music universities, Pittsburgh, Houston, Vancouver
The art of interpretation in the Romantic piano literature
–University of Music and performing Arts Vienna
Faculty of Solo Piano, 1987-1994
Teachers Paul Badura-Skoda, Hans Petermandl
Diploma Graduation
“Questions about Ornamentations in the Piano Music of the Viennese Classicism”
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Krones
Degree Magistra artium (Master of Arts)
–Conservatory of Music Cagliari, Italy
Faculty of Piano, 1979-1986
Teacher Angela Pintor Artizzu
Diploma with distinction and magna cum laude
–Premio Navicella, Castelsardo, Sardinia
Special honor, 2010
International distinction in teaching the art of polyphonic piano playing and artistic career
–First-Prize Awards and special honors
International Piano Competitions, 1988-1995
A.Casagrande Piano Competition, Terni, Italy,
Bosendorfer Piano Competition, Vienna
Beethoven Piano Competition, Vienna,
Mozart Competition, Salzburg
Roberta Pili
Pianist, Author, Mentoring
Born in Sardinia and actually living in Vienna.
Her objective is to create a special atmosphere for the audience, more like a drama, opera or theatrical representation, where the story is just taking place in the unique imagination of every single person.
Best pupil of Welsh pianist, composer and teacher Dafydd Llywelyn, who influenced her with the old German-Russian piano tradition as well as with the art of polyphonic piano playing.
She is artistically involved in several roles: pianist, author, musicologic research and analyst of the art of piano interpretation, producer, label owner, mentor of polyphonic and ultra-polyphonic piano playing, teacher of masterclasses.
In March 2009 she performed the last five Beethoven’s piano sonatas in one single evening at Zankel Hall / Carnegie Hall. This event was realized in cooperation with the BCRF founded by Evelyn H.Lauder.
In February 2011 she performed the last five Beethoven’s piano sonatas in one single evening at Sogakudo Concert Hall, Toyko, Japan. This unique recital program can be listened to on YouTube on Roberta Pili’s channel.
Covering a responsible position as a mentor, she finally focusses on raising students’ awareness about what they have learned, how useful it is for them and for their further musical and non-musical development in life.
Roberta Pili is founder and president of The Charles-Valentin Alkan Society of Vienna.
Roberta Pili – Mirrors
Roberta Pili Piano Records®
CD 1
Partita No.6 E-minor BWV 830
Piano Sonata No.30 E-Major Op.109
CD 2
12 Variations auf die Folie d´Espagne
S. Rachmaninoff
Variations on a theme of Corelli Op.42
CD 3
G.F. Händel
Prelude, Sonata und Air mit Variationen B-Dur HWV 434/1-3
Variationen und Fuge über ein Thema von Händel Op.24
The idea of creating a record label for my own productions was not an overnight decision, but the result of a work in progress which has been developed during the recording on my new album Mirrors.
I have been involved in all steps of my album production, from live recording to editing, from sound controlling, premastering to the final covering of the album.
I decided to complete this inventive, terrific and challenging artistic process with my own record label named “Roberta Pili Piano Records”.The “leitmotiv” of my future productions will be the philosophic selection of solo piano works for a recording programme, as well as striving for high quality through my entire artistic work, both in the roles of an interpreter and producer.